From Cairo to KL?

Hello everyone. I'm so so sorry for disappearing for such a long time. I've been unbelievably busy in helping my Son set up a little something. Even my social life had taken a dip as I was and still am hands-on in this. I've missed you guys a lot too, especially when I'm unable to respond to some of your emails.

So yesterday while I stayed awake throughout the night to make sure that my daughter and her 3 study group friends who were staying over, were well fed and all, I received a pleasant surprise in the form of a call from this person whom I haven't spoken to for maybe 3 or 4 years. And we made up for lost time by speaking for a solid 3 hours or so last night.

Anyway, I got to know this person from back in the days when I used to go on facebook groups and such. There were loads of mentally unstable people out there at those groups (he's one of the good ones, tho) who used to abused each other and religions back and forth. We spoke often and have seen each other through video calls (after I developed a trust in him), but nope,we have never met in real.

And here's the scoop: He's Egyptian, he's built on muscles and,,, he's coming to Malaysia! Yes folks, this person is coming here to work. According to him, he had initial plans to venture to a particular country (I don't think it's fair for me to mention which country) for  work. But after some of his friends who decided to come back to Cairo from that other country with negative feedbacks,  he changed his mind about going there.. Instead, he chose Malaysia and his answer was, because he has many friends from his home town of Cairo who are working and living here in Kuala Lumpur and they feel very much like home here. And they've encouraged him to start a life here.

Well, smart choice dude! Because there's no place like Malaysia and also, Malaysians are mostly warm to Middle Easterners. Can't say the same about other countries, especially with their mentality of being heavily prejudiced against Middle Easterns.  (This is why I can't help but worry whenever my close friend says he will move to another country because I care about him a lot and never want him to experience the unpleasant consequences just because it may make more cash). Holidaying in a foreign country is quite different than being an immigrant and starting over.

Anyway, the strange thing is, just 2 hours before he told me that he's coming to Malaysia to work, I was on the phone with another Egyptian friend of mine, Sam, where he told me that he will be leaving Malaysia to go work elsewhere. Within 2 hours, 2 Egyptians telling me - one's coming to Malaysia and one's leaving Malaysia - how ironic!

Meanwhile, have a good day and I love you guys so much!