Cheers 2018

**Do checkout my newly updated 2018 messages on the right 
side of this blog. If you're using a cellphone, I doubt 
if you can see it. Try looking at it from a laptop or 
desktop. Messages are updated on that platform
from time to time. Cheers!
~ ~ ~

Happy New Year my dearests! The year is so brand new, still fresh and extremely promising.
I had a wonderful start to 2018.

First and foremost, I did New Year's eve away from my relatives - a tradition that has been on for the past 20-something years. Let me say it again, I did not spend New Year's eve with the rest of my relatives like how I've been doing for more than 20 years. And you know what? It was awesome and one of the best New Year celebrations I've ever had. So much so, I'm thinking about carrying on with this new thing from now. 

And then on the 1st January 2018, I had my very own family - Mom, my Sister and her family, my Brother and his girlfriend join my Husband, kids, Daniel's girlfriend and myself for dins at my home. And that too, was so much fun. Too much fun. This is how it is when my Sis, Bro and I get together - we crack jokes nonstop and get the rest of the family into fits of laughter. Yes, my home on the 1st January was overloaded with so much happiness. 

In spite of being totally knackered out because of the night before, I still managed to cook laksa and nasi lemak with all it's condiments for my Sister for dinner that day. Whenever she's in Malaysia, she's got all those cravings for Malaysian food and I try my best to satisfy all her cravings. And it was worth it because she enjoyed the spread that was laid out. Not only her, everyone did.

And after that, we had an impromptu family photo session as our last family photo was taken in 2010. Long overdue, I say.

So here, I would like to wish all you amazing readers a 2018 that is super awesome, bringing you great health, loads of wealth, abundance and unlimited happiness. 

Keep the vibes sky high, keep smiling and stay positive!