Happy Announcement

Happy Friday my darlings and dearests.

I'm feeling overjoyed, happiness is spilling and I'd love to share my news with you guys.

A couple of days ago, my Kelly girl received news that come this July, which is in a couple of weeks time, she will be graduating with 1st Class Honours. She totally deserve this as she had put her heart and soul into this for the past 2 and a half years. And if you count her diploma years, then it would be 5+ years.

Well that's not all. She has also been selected as Valedictorian for this upcoming Convocation ceremony 2018. How fabulous is that? My Husband, my Son and I are so thankful and proud at this latest update from her side. She is a little genius, my daughter. So tiny in size, but a big brain is inbuilt in that head of hers.

And only yesterday, she was invited to give a speech/talk to freshmen students at their town hall meeting followed by a question and answer session. My little girl giving a talk to a group of students and answering any questions by them, haha. That is too cute, seriously.

Here's thanking everyone especially my Mom, my Aunts, Uncles and Siblings for their prayers. And a special kind of thanks goes out to my best friends for their neverending support all throughout - from diploma to degree. Everyone is so incredibly supportive and happy for her achievements.

Speaking of college and stuff, I'm sorry to have gone into M.I.A for a couple of weeks as I've been out with Hamed checking out schools and colleges for his kids. Yay! I love them kids so much and seriously anticipate them coming to Malaysia to study here. You've got to listen to them speaking Malay. Once they started getting comfortable with me many years back, they were very enthusiastic about studying our language. So yea, they know quite a number of words now and can form very simple sentences. Smart kids, and I'm so proud of them.

So there you go. I hope that you've had a good Ramadan and Raya. I had a lovely Ramadan. It was ultra peaceful all throughout and I feel that it went by so fast. Too fast. Many people were saying the same thing - about it being a beautifully peaceful Ramadan. And we all came to the same conclusion: New Governance! Berkat, you know?

So I'll leave you guys now to go enjoy your weekend. Love you people and thanks a mil for your everlasting patience when I go missing from blogging.
