Sayangi Malaysiaku

Salam Malaysians and the rest of the world. 

Today, is the 30th August, and I'm definitely gonna be wearing one of these Jalur Gemilang bracelets that I made myself for the Merdeka Eve celebrations tonight.

These specially made bracelets and earrings are what I designed for this year's Merdeka. The earrings you see above this, was a definite favourite among my clients and the best seller of all my other  Merdeka series items. (Well, I'm not a professional jewelry maker, so it's not 5-star workmanship). I mostly design and make jewelry for myself and friends who request)

This year's Independence Day is extra special, and for many reasons. The 1st and foremost cause for an 'all-out' celebration is because we have a fresh new government - after 61 years. The Merdeka vibes here are insane! Never have I seen so many homes, cars and even street vendors proudly displaying our beautiful Jalur Gemilang.

And since this year is extra special, I'm bringing along some special foreign friends of mine, who've requested to attend the Merdeka Eve celebs with me. Well, "ask and you shall receive" - so they asked and I'm obliging. I like that Bible verse. Actually I woke up to this idea only on Monday morning. I just felt so in the mood to celebrate this particular Merdeka with non Malaysians  and tadaa, just like magic, I received requests from foreign friends. First come, first serve, you know?  And as early as Tuesday I received the 1st request. Anyway the place/venue that we're going to tonight, is extra ummph! Especially when the clock strikes 12am. Of course my right hand man Hamed will be with me too. I can't hardly wait, people!!

So, for those of you have access to my private/personal instagram account (which are a selected few), I'll be posting live updates of this auspicious event. For those who follow me on my other insta account, good news - I may be posting there too.

I love you guys so much, thanks for always being walls, pillars and tiangs although I've never met 90% of you. But Amen to modern technology, because it has brought about some great friendships for some, right?

Before I sign off, the these for this year's Merdeka Day is Sayangi Malaysiaku which more or less means 'Love My Malaysia' and the logo is what you see below - in Jalur Gemilang's colours of course, are Red, White, Blue and a touch of Yellow.

So,kibarkanlah Jalur Gemilang dan selamat menyambut Hari Kebangsaan kepada semua Anak Malaysia.