Sandra Starts School

Hey all!

So the time has finally come for this sweet little cutie to start going to play school. Unlike the other kids, she started school a week later as soon as she got home from her Christmas holidays in Spain which was spent with her Daddy.

She's turning 4 this March, and but the way she speaks, you'll think she's at least 6 years old. Such a smart little girl. Her vocabs are excellent indeed!

While we were all slightly worried about her adapting to school life with strangers, she surprisingly enjoyed it. Aah, what a relief.

She gets prettier as she gets older. Her big round eyes, fluffy hair and ruby red lips gets her loads of admiring glances from other parents whenever she goes out. Even in Spain too, apparently.

Well, isn't she a picture of beauty!

Mini Me & I

I love both my children equally and as most mothers, would totally give up my life for them. And thankfully, both of them are share a very deep and close bond with both, my husband and I.

But my relationship with my daughter is unique. While most girls out there are 'daddy's girls', my little Kelly is clearly a 'mommy's girl'.

We spend a lot of time together when she's not producing shows and when I'm not busy doing something or the other. Those are somewhat rare moments that we treasure, and that's why whenever the opportunity comes up, we grab it. And there are many ways we spend those moments.

One of those, is binge watching our favourite sitcom, Modern Family while having our meals. We literally started off on season 1 and watched nonstop each time we had the chance to do so, till we reached season 10's current episode. And then guess what? We started watching season 1 all over again. Somehow this show resonates  with us and we love these moments, it's almost sacred ha.

Another thing we love doing is just lazying around on the carpet and talking about our goals, dreams and plans. I've always encouraged my kids to never be afraid to set goals, dream about it and then go and achieve it. And so far, they've been doing just that. So yea, these moments of vegging out on the carpet are truly magical.

Another thing we enjoy doing together at home is having our tea. I'm a tea person and so is she. And that's why we've got a whole range of teas on the kitchen shelf. I'm a tea-leaf kinda person and I don't really go for tea-bags. I miss those times prior to her starting on her current job when she was on a few months break, where we used to slip into our pyjamas in the afternoons (especially on rainy afternoons) and sip our teas while cozying up to a movie together. We still get to do this on weekends though. As for the pool picture, that's our favourite hangout place at home to enjoy our brew.

She calls my Mom twice a day every day to remind her to take her heart medications. That's exactly what I used to do to my own grandmother - call her twice a day for the same purpose.

It's such a treat actually that my daughter is all grown up because we're able to share so many similar interests. We share our make-ups, talk about fashion, have many twinsie clothings, we have the same shoe size and for me, it's like having a very young 'best friend'. Although we have different views on certain other things, but most of the time, we're on the same page.

This July, she'll be turning 24 years. I can't believe that the little girl I used to carry around is almost in her mid 20s. Makes me feel extremely ancient, you know? I love you forever, my Kelly girl.