My Offsprings #Thankful

Before I get into my topic of the day, I hope this picture answers your questions and doubts. Again.

Wokay, so let's get on with what I'm writing about today. My kids. My offsprings. My heart. My everything.

One is 22 years, the other just turned 21. Kelly and Daniel. Let me give you a very short summary of how they were like when they were kids.

They were pure rascals. Anyone will tell you that. They were not afraid of anything or anybody except their Daddy and his belt. Yea, all my husband needed to do, was to put his hand on his belt and they would turn into little angels immediately.

I was often ridiculed for giving in to my children. The smart-a$$es of Malaysia used to say that I needed to be more firm with them. But I knew very well what I was doing and how to handle my own kids. I'm a person of pure intuition and that's how I raised them. Based on intuitions and instincts. I never followed so-called 'laws' on how you should raise your kids. They are not robots. You don't need a manual to know how to handle a child.

When they did something funny, I laughed. I couldn't help myself. When they were unkind or unintentionally rude to others, I would take them aside and explain to them why it's wrong to behave in such manner. And when they were naughty, yes, I disciplined them. In private. Because although they were just 'kids', but I was always sensitive towards their feelings and never made them embarrassed in front of others.That is probably why some people thought that I was a 'couldn't care less' type of Mom who gave in to her little brats.

But look at them today! Sure they drive me up the wall now and then. But that is just a tiny defect compared to the abundance of happiness they bring me. They are independent, I can rely on them for just about anything and I love the fact that they are very caring. They are so opened and honest to their Daddy and me, and we've brought them up in a such a way, where they know that they can talk to their parents about anything and everything. And that took a lot of hard work. 

I'm ever so thankful that in the type of world that we live in today where many many youngsters are so troubled, my kids are have turned out to be exactly how I've envisioned them to be.

Thing is, I am a Mother to them when they need a Mom and a friend whenever they need to let off steam. Like how many people have said that we look more like sisters and brother than a Mom and her kids, I can very well also say that I'm mostly like a big Sister to them - especially when we fight haha.

In short, I've never used tactics on my kids. I always used techniques.
