Gratification & Fulfilment

42 days after our Daughter made us so proud when we attended her convocation, on the 1st of September it was our Son's turn when he went up stage to receive his Advanced Diploma in Culinary Science. With that, our job as parents in their education sector has come a full circle - in a journey that began in January 2000 when they started pre-school.

The official photographs are not out yet, so just bear with the quality of cellphone camera
And how was that journey like for me?

Well it was certainly a tiring, stressful, but a truly fulfilling and enjoyable one. Up to the time of them being 13 and 14 years, I used to squat down and tie their shoe laces before they hopped into the car to go to school. It wasn't something I had to do, but I loved doing it. From there, I normally drive them to the park to let them play on the swings and slides just so their day started beautifully before driving them off to school. It was only about 10-15 minutes at the park but it made a world of difference for them.

And here's an embarassing confession. After I send them off to school, it wasn't unusual for me to cry while driving myself home. Yup, this mad Mom actually did that so many times. Can't help it, my love for the kids is so beyond the moon. But when I fetch them from school and they start being rascals, I often asked myself "why did I even cry earlier?" haha.

My husband and I never pressured our children to be 'A' students in school. And they weren't 'A' students while in school. My priority wasn't for my children to learn and study throughout the nights to chase after As. Instead, that was the time I made use of to teach and guide them on how to be good and kind humans. What's the point of scoring As and coming up top in class if you don't have good morals?

There were people who chastised me for not being bothered with my children's school education. Yup, some actually did that to me.  But did I care? No. Because I knew what I was doing. I carried these 2 Angels for 9 whole months inside my belly and I definitely knew what's the best for them. I used to tell them that although school is the place where you go and learn the basic stuff like reading, writing, counting, countries and yada yada, when you get out of school and pick up the course you wish to pursue further, then you gotta give it your heart and soul. And that is exactly what they've done.

So today, I'd like all those nosey mamas and grandmamas who indirectly told me that I wasn't a responsible Mother, to read this post. Because today, those 2 naughty and mischievous kids have grown into 2 very responsible young adults who hath done extremely well in their further educations. On top of that, they are so kind hearted, caring, loving and respectful of those who are supposed to be respected, especially the old and under privilege one. These 2 kids also never had the need to lie to us parents because although we were strict with them in certain areas, they knew that we approachable and would never blindly scold or punish them for anything. Thus, they confide everything, until today. There is no point in being ultra strict and stuffy to your children till they don't feel safe telling or asking you about anything and have to resort to another parent to seek comfort. I know this, because I've had some of these poor kids come to me.

Son darling, you now have the green light to conquer and capture the gastronomy world. And I know you will. We are super proud of you, baby boy! Love you to the end of the Universe and back!

PS: I had a super duper Merdeka weekend which include the eve that I told you about, and on that day itself. Maybe I'll write about that next.