Seen this? Check it out.

And guess who's got a date with the cinema this Saturday night!

First Come, First Serve

Good afternoon, and a Good Friday everyone!

So this is only for my readers who know me and not for my international readers unfortunately. And here's what it's about - short and quick!

I'm giving away 22 + 1 packs of Mevius Menthols for anyone who's interested. The additional (1) pack has been opened and 2 sticks have been used.

It's free of charge and self collection yea? Also, it's on a 1st come 1st serve basis, so I won't be reserving it for anyone. Just drop me a text and when I'm available, you can come collect it. And yes, for those wondering if you can grab all 22 boxes, yes you can.

Let's just say that I'm feeling generous today.

That's it. Am off to the airport now to welcome the Aussie couple who chose to make Malaysia the destination to celebrate his 90th birthday in a couple of weeks.

Have a perfect week!


People never believe when I tell them my age. So here's proof. It's displayed there big, bold and in gold. As flattering as it is to be always told that I look young, I'm nevertheless very proud of achieving my 50th year on this planet.

And what's the best way to celebrate a milestone birthday? A party! So, my children threw me a small scale but awesome birthday bash which was held on Saturday night - a day before my actual birthday. Held in an enchanted location at Sunway Geo, the ambiance of the place was mesmerising, enchanting, cosy and relaxed. And the A-factor that makes a party a party, is of course, the guest list! It consisted of those who I truly wanted to be there - somehow, it worked out that way. The icing on the cake however  (and this was a real surprise that caught me off guard), was the presence of my 2 friends from when we were 12 years old. My kids somehow got hold of their numbers and kept their invitation a secret from me. Well planned!

I had a ball of a time. My children put me through some lighthearted-embarrassing moments when they called me up, to sash and crown their 'Queen'. It was pretty cringy for me, standing up there in front of all my guests wearing a tiara and the golden sash. But well, that was Kelly and Daniel's way of showing me how much I mean to them, so it's fine I guess? Then, there were the 'how well do you know Debbie' games and quizzes with more 'blushing moments' questions about me. My children also had specially done a slideshow from the time I was a baby to present. And the highlight of that were the live video messages and greetings at the end of the presentation from my family and relatives from other parts of the world.

An absolutely remarkable evening and everyone had a good time!


How do I feel about turning 50?
Looking the way I do, feeling the way I am and achieving all that I have, I feel absolutely blessed and proud to attain this age and being exactly what I am today. I actually consider it to be the start of my life, because my children are now financially independent and self sufficient. So yes, this is my ticket to being able to do the things that I've put off for all these years. In fact, my kids are actually trying to persuade me to go back to studying!

My tips to feeling young?
I am always asked this question. I've no secrets or rituals that I follow. All I can say is that I'm a very positive person and always try to look at the better side of people or situations. Especially when something does not go the way we planned. Also I simply eliminate anything or anyone that gives me bad vibes, so invariably I'm always surrounded by those who bring me happiness. I think that is so important at every level.

Sure I have a temper and all, but still, that's nothing compared to when I'm on contented mode.

I also keep my life simple and uncomplicated.

Another reason I guess, is genetics. My family from Mom's side seem to age very well. None of them actually look their age. Some of them are even looking younger as they get older haha. Even my Mom at 82 always have to convince people that she's actually 82! She still enjoys buying clothes, shoes and cosmetics, and love going to Sephora with me and Kelly girl to play around with make up. And yea, Kristang people also know how to have a good time. That could very well be a contributing factor. Maybe.

My future plans?
To set a new bunch of goals and achieve it, now that I've learnt the 'secret' on how to go about doing it. I'm still a learner and am constantly gaining knowledge.

So there you go. I'm 50 and feeling fabulous. As cliche as it sounds, age is just a number. At least for me it is. Because I've always had a young soul. Internally, I'm the same exact same person I used to be in my 20s - only way more wiser.  And I'm extra excited as I've finally joined the ranks of Ariff and Hamed into the '5-series' status. My bffs, yea, both already in their 50s but don't look a day over 40 and like me, young souls as well - which explain why we get along so fekkin well.

To Kelly and Daniel, I'm so proud of you guys for organizing, planning and hosting that special day. Thank you so much for every single effort you put into it to make it so memorable. It was truly a night to remember. Both of you have come a long way from those 2 mischievous kids who drove me up and down the wall day and night. May Allah always protect and give you, my darling children, the best of everything in life. It's Mommy and Daddy's daily doa for our darlings.

And for all those who attended my birthday gala, as well as for everyone who were kind enough to wish me and sent greetings on that day, I wish you the best of everything in every aspect of your lives. And may God bless you, your families and loved ones!

I love you guys so much.

Blessed be,