Jungle Fever


I simply fell in love with this place the moment I walked in. Acres and acres of lush jungle, a literal therapeutic haven for me.

But before I carry on, this being the month of September, I'd love to wish my 2 bestest dudes Ariff and Hamed the happiest birthdays - as both of them are born in September. Go Libras! I love you both so much and how can I ever thank you for always having my back and being my partners in crime.

Back to the topic, so this place is located on the outskirts of Hulu Selangor and about an hour and half drive from where I live.

Spa, full body massage for men and women, meditation and wellness area, even a river - just to name a few of what you'll find here. Oh and of course - chalets, how could I forget! 

We rented one for day use just so I could play around in the river, then shower before heading for the spa and massage. 

They also have their own eatery where we had lunch and the famous ikan lunak that everyone talks about. But to me, it was over-rated. I found the ikan lunak to be very ordinary, nothing special.

I love this particular thing so much. Am actually thinking of pitching it to my husband to have one built in our lanai at the master bedroom. The only thing I'll have to reconsider, is the presence of cats (and possibly a monkey or two) having a rest on my glass floor! And also, considering the fact that anyone who stand below it, will have a bird's eye view of forbidden scenes haha. But I really loved the concept of it. Imagine having this directly above my pool. Well, something to ponder about.

We went on a weekday, therefore it was peaceful, serene and calm. I'm glad I have the luxury of going anywhere during weekdays and not weekends/holidays. I can't imagine the crowd then, because according to the tour guide there, weekends are insane!

If this place wasn't so far away from where I stay, I swear I would be there every single week. With that said, enjoy the weekend xo.