My Egyptian Kanyung

I said I'll be his monkey for the evening and so, every opportunity I had, tree branches were my victims. This is what I loved doing from the time I was little. Looks like hanging myself from tree branches never made me a taller person. But hey, I love the way I am.

Since Hamed got home from work early today, he asked is I wanted to go to one of our 'feel good' places before Ramadan comes a calling. It's the park on the street where he lives -  an exceptionally huge one and clearly, one of our favourite spots to go and sweat it out in the evenings when he's free and I'm able to. But mostly, we love coming here on weekend mornings when possible, have our breakfast (90% of the time it's the makcik's nasi lemak) on one of those picnic tables and then cruise the entire area on our feet to burn up the cals we just consumed.

So since he was free this Tuesday evening and as I was granted the green-light to socialise today, this is where we chose to go to. And that's not all. This is also where we sealed our plan to get started on something that Hamed has been wanting me to do together with him for the longest time.  Wanna guess what it is?

Well, *drumrolls* ,,, Immediately after Ramadan, Hamed and I will get started on our very own Youtube channel. But I aplogize in advanced, that it's going to be a public listed one, therefore, I won't be able to give you any links to it. I'll explain why later.

You're definitely wondering what our channel is going to be about. Wonder no more, because I'm about to tell you our plan. But just curious, any guesses? haha

I'll write about this on the next post. So for now,  join us at the park.

It was such a wonderful time there - breezy indeed as we further discussed plans for our upcoming project I mentioned.

As you see in some of these photos below, for unknown reasons, Hamed seems to prefer photographing the back of me, rather than front! Snap and snap. He's always like that.

And hey, checkout what else they have in this wonderful park..

Certainly not even close to being as sophisticated as the ones you'll get at a gym, but at least it's an added plus for those people who come for strolls at the park and later anticipate a short workout - like what I did this evening. Such a lovely area to hangout.

It's always awesome to come here especially when you just wanna have an easy going evening after being stressed out with the day's work. Because of it's size, kids somehow do not get in your way - although there's plenty of them around during this time. This is why we love coming here before we go home to shower and dress (he to his and me to mine) for our usual night hangouts and dinner at sophisticated places he likes - which we haven't done for ages since I've been under house-arrest!

So there you go. An incredibly lovely Tuesday evening spent with the man who snaps pictures of my back haha.

Have a colorful week and see you again.