Raya 2017

Thanks to all of you for your Raya greetings to me through emails, phone calls and texts, and here's me wishing all of you a Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri too.

I'm not sure about others, but here in Malaysia, we always say maaf zahir & batin (which means seeking for forgiveness) whenever we wish another during Raya. Therefore  I'd also like to say maaf zahir & batin to all of you had I hurt you guys in any way, whether it's through my writings here, or even in person. And in return to those of you who've directly or indirectly stabbed me in the back, gossiped about me, cheated, lied, fitnah, cursed or even hate me I forgive you too. Yea because Debbie, Arin, Sabrina or whatever I am to you, have no time to allow hatred nor grudges to nest in my heart. So again, as we Malaysians say, it's 0 - 0.

Well I had a Ramadan scare about 3 days before Raya. My husband had to be admitted to the medical centre with very high blood pressure - 200/120. The Cardiologist did an ECG and found that there was an inconsistency to it, where he suspected it to be a minor heart attack. I was literally shivering with fear because this is the man whom I love most in the entire universe, and he is my life.

But Alhamdulillah, an immediate blood test result came back negative and the doctor confirmed that it wasn't his heart and all subsequent tests and scans came back good.  Hubby was discharged from the medical centre on the morning of Hari Raya and was able to be home with us on Sunday. That's all that mattered to be honest. I almost cancelled our Raya dinner with the family, had he not been discharged on that day.

So ironically, instead of having our regular 1st day of  Raya dinner with just my immediate family, we had a very much bigger crowd joining us because they wanted to come over and see my husband. It ended up being a wonderful Hari Raya. The more, the merrier. As long as my Hubs was fine with the crowd, I was good to go.

The only thing I cooked was the rendang, while the children and Daniel's girlfriend - yup, the 3 of them, took over the entire cooking for dinner. To be honest, because my mind was filled with so much worry about my husband, even my rendang didn't taste like rendang.

But again, Alhamdulillah and all praises to Allah that the love of my life is back home safe and sound. I'm baffled as to how his BP could have shot up so high with no signs of it at all, but I'm guessing it's because of all those years of rich food he consumes whenever he attends functions - which is too often! So, I've decided to come up with much healthier menus now, even if I have to wake up at 5am each day to cook for him. Anything for my old man, you know?

Peeps, I'm sorry that I wasn't able to reply to your messages and emails greetings individually. Hope you understand that those past few days had somewhat been a handful for me and taken a toll on my health too. I secretly went to the clinic today to have my BP taken (as I had the very familiar dull sensations at the back of my neck) and true enough, my reading was very close to what my husband's was - 190/112.  The reason I secretly went, was because if Hubby knew what my reading was, I would have been forced to go to the Medical Centre as well. That is exactly what the doctor at the clinic pestered me to do straightaway. But no thank you.

And to all my aunts, cousins and even Mom if you're reading this, I'm ok now, so please no calling me tomorrow and burning my ears with lecturing me to go see the Specialist haha. I'm fine, I promise. Love you guys!

p/s: It's a good thing my Husband doesn't read my blog ;)

Buka Puasa @ Klcc

Hey, hope all you daddies had a truly lovely Father's Day with your precious wives and kids yesterday.

Since my 'Daddy' said he'll take a rain check for another day as he had prior engagements to cover an event yesterday, therefore me and my kids accepted an invitation from Hamed and his kids to venture into KL as his children never get enough of the Petronas Towers whenever they're in Malaysia. Well, I don't know anyone who does not love the view of the Towers, so I can't blame them for wanting to go there again.

Anyway, our Juniors - the 5 of them, settled at Chinoz to break their fast, while Hamed and I wanted something more Asian, hence we opted to go to the upper levels for my favourite noodles.

Would you believe it that I come all the way to KLCC very often, just to have a plate of this noodles? It is one of the best compared to all the other ones I've tried. It's as closest as it gets to how the original mee tastes like.

So after both of us gobbled up our insanely delicious noodles, we went back down to Chinoz to join the kids for drinks and desserts. And I was surprised to meet one of my aunts and her family there too. Small world indeed.

The best part about the whole outing was, that the 7 of us decided to take the train down to KLCC instead of driving. And that was way too much fun, because we kindoff conquered an entire coach laughing, joking and chatting away. And it was possible - because it was Sunday where there's not too much crowd.

An absolutely goals day it was! Until I received a text from that pain-in-the-neck Shazzy telling me what happened on that exact day 5 years ago. Seriously? This girl is a walking-diary of sorts. But still, it couldn't overshadow the wonderful day I had with these wonderful company.

Hugs xx

Lost n Found

Ever had the feeling of thinking or missing someone, and then have that person appear right in front of you out of nowhere?

Well, this happened to me yesterday.

Before that, a few days ago, I was thinking about a friend of mine I hadn't seen in a few years. The last we met, was in KLIA heading to 2 different destinations a few years back. And since we were both rushing to catch our flights, we parted without exchanging numbers. So out of the blues, I was longing to meet up with this friend.

Anyway yesterday afternoon, I was at a Ramadan Bazaar with Hamed's kids. And what do you think happened?

While walking and checking out the food stalls at this favourite bazaar of mine with the kids, someone tapped me on my shoulder from behind and when I turned around, guess who was it??

Yup, exactly! Of all places, in a chock-a-block area like this, we came face to face once again. Well not exactly face to face haha. More like face to back. But you get my point. My 1st question was "how the hell do you know it was me from the back?" The reply: "I just passed you from the front!".

Coincidence? No. Synchronicity? Probably. Because in all weirdness, this person does not even live in the area, in fact far from here, but decided to come to that particular bazaar, on that particular day, at that particular time. Apparently, she said she had a dream about me 2 days before. And since then, she had also been thinking about how to get in touch with me. And none of our brains even thought about looking for each other on social media, haha. Very smart!

It's strange how things have got it's own way of working out sometimes.

Anyway, a note about this Ramadan market - it's my personal favourite. I've been to so many and I love this one the best. It's situated in USJ 4. I fancy the layout where all the stalls are in straight 2 rows instead of the zig-zag concept. Most of all, it's very clean and I would say it has a homey feel to it - yes even with the crowd. And there's a huge variety of all kinds of food and kuih muih here. If you're in the Subang area, do check it out. Only a few more days to go.

Till my next story, salam and love to all!

Peachy Evening

Happy weekend, darlings. Today, I've been blessed with loads of peaches. Not only that, apricots too! Two of my most favorite fruits on earth. It's been a peachy day and certainly gonna be a peachy night.

The smell of it, the velvety texture of it, makes me weak. Don't you just love these babies?

That's all for now. Short and sweet, just like my peaches. So, you have a peachy weekend and I'll have a peachy one too. See you back here on Monday.

Love you !