
Salam Maal Hijrah, fellow Muslims and blessings to all of you.

Sometimes, our actions, the words we speak or even the stuff we write are symbolic. 

And what I'm about to do with this plant, symbolises the cessation of my affection towards it. In a couple of days, it will be out of my 'house' and thus, any colorful memories I've had when it used to produce colorful flowers that colored my days, shall go along with it to it's next nesting place.

I've written about this plant some time back. But still, I continued to care so much for it although it never produced any blooms in return. Therefore, the time has come to let it flourish where it needs to - probably in a forest with other wild trees.

Anyone who knows me well, know that I'm not into plants. But this one, I was in love with. God, I would've done anything for this plant to remain blooming. 

And perhaps one day, I shall even write a book about this plant and the significance it has played in my life. 

Made In 1937

Cheers and blessings to this gorgeous woman who turned 80 yesterday.

(Front) I designed these special chocolates for this esteemed occasion with her 'then n now' pictures
(Back) Custom made chocolate wrapper for each of the guests as a memento
Yes. I cannot believe that my Mother is now 80 years old. For me, it was a mixture of happiness that I have her with us, but also a feeling of sadness at the thought of my Mom being 8 decades old.

Weeks prior to this, she mentioned a few times that she didn't want a birthday bash since my Father isn't here. So instead, my brother, sister and I planned a small surprise gathering at my cousin's cosy cafe where the guests comprised of her siblings and their spouses. Nothing lavish because we didn't want to go against her wishes.

Pink marble-effect fondant cake made by another cousin
Was a lovely relaxing evening with the people she loved most! Just 20 of us. And the menu spread was a  perfect 10/10.
Birthday Girl's speech with her 2 cakes - the other cake was a Victoria Sponge semi naked one 

Some of the food that were served amongst pastas, scones and others.

Darling Ma,

I know I don't meet you as often as I should, or as often as I 'd love to. But if I hadn't said it enough, here's me saying that I love you so very much and I still need you in my life. So proud to call you my Mother as you're ever so kind, caring, loving and yes, still beautiful at the age of 80!

Love, B Girl.

Long Time

I know. It's been a long while since I've posted and hey, my apologies!

And for all those unanswered emails, I'm truly sorry for not being able to reply you guys. But keep it coming though, ok? Just that it's been a hectic couple of weeks, but bear with me and I'll be back shortly. And hopefully, regularly too.

Hugs n Love