The 10th Month

Hola October.

In certain parts of the world, it marks the start of Autumn. The season of breathtaking orange, red and yellow leaves. If I were to choose, I think Autumn is the loveliest season of all. It's also the month of Halloween, yaay!

Check out these 2 pictures and tell me how cool are these!

Imagine how awesome it is to have an afternoon siesta right there on that version of a 'bed' with a view of the stream. I would sleep like a baby. Absolutely adore these kind of stuff! But then again, anyone would love this set up, don't you think so?

And since I'm out of my home while posting this, it ain't going to be a lengthy post. In fact, that's all to it for now. Checking in here again tomorrow for a proper blog post. I've a funny story to tell.

In the meantime, have a great start to the 10th Month of the Year and love you guys so so so!