Prime Minister of Malaysia

Meet Tun Dato' Seri Dr Mahathir Mohammad - the 7th Prime Minister of Malaysia.

This is the great Man who led Malaysia to it's glorious days back then as the 4th Prime Minister, and is now back as the 7th PM to rescue this lovely country from a regimen that tore us to an almost depressing level of darkness.

Today, history is created in Malaysian politics as this is the 1st time the ruling party has been overshadowed and overpowered. And overthrown? Yes, Tun's Party Pakatan Harapan won the 14th General Elections. And this living legend will also go down in history as the oldest leader in the world at the age of 93.

As Malaysians called it during the month long election campaigns, the Tsunami Rakyat. A lovely sweep across Malaysia. Look at the number of States that PH managed to win over BN in my previous posts. Incredible, to say the least.

I am so happy, I can't even speak. This is surreal. Yes, as I mentioned in one of my previous post, Malaysians WILL wake up on Thursday morning, the 10th of May to a new and fresh government.
For those of you who never had the chance of being a Malaysian while Tun ruled, well here's your chance now.

Tun will be sworn in as the 7th Prime Minister of Malaysia by His Royal Highness, The Yang DiPertuan Agong on the morning of 10th May 2018.

Tun will be Prime Minister till Dato Seri Anwar takes over.

Alhamdulillah, there shall be no more corruption, no more filthy politics, no more kleptocracy, no more GST and so so much more!

We're back on track. And it's all thanks to this Great Man whom I love and respect with every fiber of my being!

Alhamdulillah and a huge thanks to all PH leaders and supporters for this historical moment.