Weird Thought

Actually, it's more a scary thought than a weird one.

Few days back, I was watching a movie with Hamed on netflix, when all of a sudden, an image of a certain person came to mind. And ironically, the way I got to know this person, was the same way as was portrayed in the movie.

Imagine this clip: You met a stranger through a mutual acquaintance. You became friends. You spent a lot of time hanging out alone together - and technically, this is someone you only met through another mate.

Worse case scenario? While you were alone, anything could've happened. You could've been slaughtered, stabbed or murdered. Because at the end of the day, apart from hanging out many times together and basically only having a rough idea where they're from, you know absolutely nothing else about this person. More so if you've never been introduced to any of their friends nor family. And that ain't a good sign at all. Because it can only mean 2 things: Either that person can't be trusted, or they don't trust you.

Scary right?

Just to clarify, in my case, I'm not saying that the person I encountered with was bad. In fact, this pal was nice and there was a certain degree of kindness towards me. It's just that there was never a healthy amount of trust between us as friends. That's all.

Anyway halfway through the movie, I cringed at the similarities and the familiarness of the events. I didn't watch the end, and didn't want to know how it ended either.

Also, watching that movie made me realise how much more I appreciate Hamed.

No, Hamed and I didn't meet through another friend and nope, he's definitely not the person I'm referring to above. But we did meet in a fairly unusual way, I'll admit that. And yes, at that point, he was indeed a stranger. A foreign stranger at that. But throughout these 8+ years of our friendship, I've come to a point where other than my husband and kids, I trust him and my other best mate Ariff the most in my life. His mother and children are incredible people who never fail to meet up with me whenever they come over to Msia from Alex, so yeah, we are very well acquainted with each other.

Oh yes, and a couple of years after we met, he even moved closer to my area just to be around in case I ever needed his help - which I have, many times!

Back to the story, I couldn't watch till the end because it gave me the chills. And my advice to you guys out there regardless of how old you are, male or female, just be careful who you meet or choose to become close to. Most times, the ones that seem to be the perfect 'stranger', are the exact type you gotta be careful of. Unless they're still that way after 8+ years ;)

So anyway, as I shut off the movie this is what Hamed said:

"Now you know why I always have a problem when you trust so and so?"

Yes, Papi, yes.

And later, we cooked up some Singaporean noodles with a touch of Malaysia for makan malam.

The taste? 8/10.