Quarantine 38th

For the last couple of weeks, I've been bugging my husband to allow me to give him a haircut. He said no, because he was worried what if I messed it up.

For what it's worth, early this January was the 1st time ever that I took a pair of hair scissors to my own hair. It was too long and it had gone beyond my butt. So since I always make it a point to do something new each year, I decided to give my hair stylist a break and 2020 was the time for me to try and cut my own hair myself.  I wasn't really worried because if I had made a mistake with it, it was still long and my personal stylist could easily counter that. But lo and behold, I got it layered and no one had believed that I actually cut my own hair to perfection. Heck, I couldn't believe it myself. A couple of my girlfriends and even family members then told me that I could cut their hair too. But I wouldn't dare. I certainly never expect that I could cut my own locks. But you know me, once I've set my mind on something, I'll find a way to do it, one way or the other.

The 2 pictures you see above there on this blog's main photo with the tiara on my head was taken on my birthday this year, which was 2+ months after I cut it. Silly me that I forgot to take a before and after picture of my mane.

So back to the story, my husband finally relented when I assured him I'll only trim off a little bit. After all, in the worse case scenario if I did mess up, we are all under lockdown and no one will be seeing him at least for the next couple of weeks - where it'll grow back again.

Excited as I was at this venture, I was nervous as heck. But with salons closed everywhere, I just had to do it. And let me tell you this: a woman's hair is much more easier to cut than a man. It's trickier. And a bit more complicated. Like men. haha.

Anyway, I'm happy to say that I done a pretty darn good job! It's neat, not too short and most importantly, my husband approved of it. What do you think?

So what's next, Debbie J's Salon? ⌣.

Let's Play

With all the time I've had on my hands for the last 20+ days, I decided to cleanse my older unused phones today. And while doing so, I came across a game ap called 'Ruzzle' which I've totally forgotten about.

Surprisingly, the old account I used was still was still there and usable.

So, if you're into word puzzles or ruzzles and have time to kill, come find me there. This is the name I go by, so drop me a note to say that you came from here ok? Because there are other players that I'm playing and would like to know if I'm playing with any of you guys. I gotta brush up my skills to topple Hamed. He's too good!

If I don't respond to your game request fast enough, just be patient. Because as I said, I may be engaged with other players and each round takes about 2 minutes.

So let's play!

A Birthday Wish

This is my birthday wish.

That sprinklings of magic dusts 
falls over the Universe to swiftly start 
a healing process across the globe 
lay clouds of protection over my entire 
family, friends and those I care for.

In all honesty, that is the only thing I wish for at the moment.

This is when I wish my whole family were staying together, the ones abroad and also those who live here. It scares the hell out of me at the thought that I can't even go visit my mother who lives only 20 minutes away. It's been a little over 2 weeks since I last saw her and I'm missing her terribly. The reason she's not living with me during this, is because she doesn't want to be away from her home and my brother for too long - fair reason as no one knows how long this is going to last.

We video call each other about 4-5 times a day, and there were 2 occasions where I pressed the 'end call' button when I felt my tears building up as I didn't want her to see me cry.

We are all going through a rough patch aren't we? But let's all do our part in staying home, be extra careful with our hygiene and keep our distances from everyone. It's a small sacrifice, but it goes a long way towards combating this war that is affecting mankind in a scary way.

Stay safe my darlings. We've got this!