Breakfast Order

You know you're 100% Malaysian when you open your eyes in the mornings and all you can think of is nasi lemak. And sometimes, I just give in to my morning fantasies when I decide to take a break from juicing.

But first, let me clarify something. 5 of the emails that I received, asked me a question related to the same thing -  whether was it Ariff that I was referring to on my previous post. No. Hell No! Ariff doesn't roll that way. Whenever we do have issues, he makes sure we reach a clear solution or understanding to resolve whatever it is. There and then. He would never sweep it under the carpet and only talk about it some other time when he feels he can 'handle' it. That is the reason our friendship bond which is coming up to 8 years, has only gotten stronger. Friends have their feud at times. And so do we. Because we're friends. But again in answer to your concerned queries, it's not Ariff .

Ok, back to nasi lemak. During the entire month of Ramadan, this particular stall was closed. And they were supposed to resume business on the 5th day of Raya. So, on the night before they reopened, I was literally counting the hours till I can get hold of a bungkus of that nasi lemak sotong. It's really delicious - the sambal being slightly sweet and quite pedas. Just the way a nasi lemak should be.

Anyway, today was one of those mornings. And having my breakfast at that serene park with it's nice chilly breeze at 7.15am, was a sure way to kickstart this wonderful Monday!