Cry For Help

Depression. Some of us have no idea how fatal this sickness can be. For some, they may have noticeable symptoms while for others, they go about functioning like normal people. And that is why sometimes, it goes unnoticed.

After what happened to Chester Bennington who allegedly committed suicide because of depression, it made me think. It made me worry because my mind wondered to if there are any out there suffering this illness without any help or support..

During an interview, I watched him openly talk about how he struggles to cope with the torments, voices and demons that went on inside his brain when he was alone. Was that a cry for help? If it was, either no one noticed or no one bothered. And this was coming from a rich, famous and successful person, who was struggling to cope with this illness. And even then, no one cared. Which made me think, if a man like Chester was going through this without help or attention, what about regular people who are subjected to this same disease? Are their symptoms being ignored too?

Please peeps, if you know anyone in a similar situation like this, please take a moment to give them your time or encourage them to talk to a shrink. It may very well save their lives. Because there are folks amongst us who don't have anyone to listen to them or  pour out their sorrows to.

I'm no psychiatrist nor a psychologist. But just a couple of years ago, I caught a close friend going down a deep dark tunnel because of a failed relationship. She was so young. She refused to get professional treatment, saying that she was fine. But from a sweet loving person (with some irritating flaws of course) I watched her attitude change day by day and sometimes even to the point of being violent  to me. Her mood swings was such, that she could go from being normal at one minute, and then totally go into an emotional seclusion the next. She refused to further her studies, hardly slept and many times, called me in the middle of the nights crying on the phone asking me to talk to her.

Today, I'm glad that I never turned my back on her, although I sometimes felt it too risky to be alone with her, worried that I may be abused physically. I feel very guilty for saying this, but in the beginning, I tried to avoid her, because I was concerned for my own safely. She gained pleasure from paining others. Maybe it was her own way to release the pain she felt inside.

Eventually, I felt that I had a responsibility towards her. Most of what I did, was listen. And listened, and listened. I allowed her to vent out every single ounce of anger that she had. Sometimes, that's all they want - someone to listen! There are many causes of depression and in this case from what I figure, it was due to her being feeling extremely betrayed, cheated and couldn't accept it. For what it's worth, it was an online affair between her and the other person. And in all honesty, I really don't know how that works, or how it could've gotten so heart-involved when you've never met each other. That's another thing for you youngsters to be wary off too - never trust a stranger easily!

It took a couple of years and to be honest, I don't know how I did it, but I did manage to eventually bring her out of her emotional mess. These days, we don't talk about what those times did to her, and what brought her down to that level. Occasionally when she does bring it up, I just layan. Maybe it's her way of expelling out the remnants of her past.

Thankfully, she's finally in university now pursuing what she originally planned to study and doing really well, considering how late she started.  She's a smart one, so I reckon there'll be no issues in catching up. Also credits to her daddy for being a strong figure in her life and forcing her to get enrolled at Uni.

I don't know if what she went through was 'depression' as such, but it was clearly a serious issue. And I'm glad I hung in there for this girl. Otherwise, they outcome may have been very different.

If you know anyone who's going through this, please do the same for them. It doesn't take dollars and cents. All it takes is compassion. And your ears.