The Day We Met

Sometimes, you can love a person so deeply and so much, till it hurts

We first spoke to each other on the 31st of July many years ago. It was at the Subang International Airport, Terminal 1.

Here's how it all started.

We used to pass each other all the time at the Airport due to our occupations. Just smiles of acknowledgements whenever our eyes met. Nothing else, no conversation whatsoever. And while there were many other guys from Malaysia Airlines approached me to hangout and such, this particular guy never did. And truth be told, I declined all invitations from other guys, as I only waited for HIM. He was the only one I was interested in getting to know. And so, months went by before it finally happened.

It was on that midnight of 31st July. I was browsing around a Duty Free store before going home, when he walked in and said hi. I was numbed. No kidding. Butterflies floating all over my insides. And so we talked in the shop for abit. And before I knew it, we were on the walkalator heading to the other end of the airport whilst still being caught up in conversation. Clearly, a conversation I had waited for months to take place.

We finally ended up saying good bye close to 3am. Yea, we strolled all over the airport. I swear I couldn't sleep that whole night and couldn't wait to see him again. And so from then on, whenever we managed to come across each other at the Airport, we always spoke. Of course, it wasn't long convos as there was always a rush to handle flights. But it wasn't until exactly one month later that we chanced upon another long moment again. And it was then that we exchanged phone numbers (cellphones weren't heard of at that time) and he offered to send me home. My first 'date' with him. Everything else was unimportant. Heaven on Earth kindoff feeling.

And thus, began the most happiest moments of my life, while at the same time (and I hate saying this), it was the start of my parents' nightmare come alive. I had no idea how to tell them that I started seeing a Muslim guy. Because I think from the time I was old enough to understand words, it was drilled into my head never to get romantically involved with a Muslim man.

It was during these times that I discovered the world to be a small place. Because very shortly after we started going out together seriously, while trying to be as discreet as possible, somehow everyone knew about Debbie and the 'Malay' guy. Yep, back then, he was known as the Malay guy! "Are you still going out with the Malay guy?" "When are you gonna break up with the Malay guy?" "You know that you have to change your religion if you marry the Malay guy?". Obviously the revelation of me and my Malay guy did not come from my parents as the weren't overjoyed to tell their friends that their daughter was in love with a Muslim. Apparently people spotted us here and there, from what I heard. Didn't I feel like a celebrity with 'paparazzis' swarming all over KL!

Anyway, anyway, I never fought my parents on this in the sense of being rebellious, but I didn't give him up either. I loved this guy so much and I was patient because deep down in my heart I knew that he will be my husband someday. I knew that this was the person my children would be calling 'Daddy'. I knew that he will be the one I went to bed with at nights and woke up in the mornings with.

So, to cut a long story short because I think I've written about it before, all turned out well in the end. I waited till I got my parents' blessings and made sure that they were comfortable with it, and only then did we go ahead and get married.

This is the day we celebrate in addition to our actual wedding anniversary on the 4th February. Because this day is just as important. In fact, my husband leans more towards this day. Because if it wasn't for 31st July, there probably wouldn't have been a 4th February either.

That's it la guys. I can go on and on writing about my husband but I'm rushing and typing this and I can't check for grammatical errors, so forgive me if any. I just got home from dins with my darling and trying to post this hurriedly while he's showering. So, adieu for now.

For the record, I still get butterflies in my tummy whenever I think about The Day We Met!