Never Saw It Coming!

A couple of days ago, my beloved Mom suffered a stroke.

What started off as a normal morning at home, ended up as a stressful day at the KL Heart Centre and then later, at the ER in another hospital.

She was grocery shopping with a neighbour's maid in the early afternoon on that day. All was fine till she took out her wallet at the cashier to pay for the purchases. All of the sudden, her arm started to go limp  and she slurred when attempted to speak. She was having a Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA).

When I got a call from my brother telling me what happened and that my Mom was at the HC, I totally froze. That's what I do when I'm in shock as I try to absorb what I've been told.

In less than 10 minutes flat, I was on my way to the Heart Centre. From where I live, it took me close to 40 minutes to get over to the HC, which is right at the other end of the city in Ampang. In the midst of the traffic jam, I was so tempted to get off the car and just run to where my Mom was. That's how frustrating jams can be when you're in an emergency rush.

When I saw my Mom, it took every ounce of strength from me to keep my tears from flowing out. The last thing I wanted to do was to worry my Mom. At that point, I was just so thankful that she was there, she was able to talk, she was alive!

When we tried to make her stand to go to the restroom, she tried hard but one of her legs simply wasn't corresponding well. I was worried to death when I saw that. Alhamdulilla within a few hours, she got back the sensation on her legs and was able to stand properly. (She was literally tilted and leaning on one side earlier)

A brain scan later confirmed that it was a minor stroke. It also revealed that this was actually a continuation of a previous stroke or TIA that had occurred.

Thankfully, the specialist informed us that it was not a paralysis stroke - meaning, that it doesn't make a person paralysed. That piece of news was like a huge chunk of stress lifted off my chest. And also, there was no bleeding in the brain. Just a small clot.

I love my Mom more than life itself and it pained me to no ends at the thought that she was going through this. Losing my Father is still fresh in my head and I couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to my Mom too. Because no matter how old I get, I will always need my Mother in my life.

Alhamdulilla she is progressing well. She's still admitted to the hospital as she's being closely monitored by the Neurologist. Her blood pressure and sugar level was unbelievably high when she first arrived at the emergency room. Mom is like a walking time bomb and that has always been a worry for me, when it came to her heart condition. But I never expected her to experience a stroke too. Simply said, we never saw it coming. Not a stroke.

So here I am, at the hospital ward typing this out while my Mom takes a nap. I can't wait for her to be discharged from the hospital, just so I can bring her home and take good care of her.

If there's a favour I'd like to ask of you, is to please keep her in your prayer for a speedy and complete recovery. It would mean the world to me. And to those of you who've been there with us these last few days, thank you so very much.

Thoughts n love xoxo

14th February 2018

Yesterday, the 14th February 2018, was a super fine day!

Hugs, love n kisses xoxo

What We Started 24 Years Ago

He told me that if I gained 3 kilograms before the 4th of February 2018, he'll take me out and buy me anything I want.

First of all, let me say - I'm far from being what you'd consider as 'slim', yet he wanted me to gain some. Happily,  I managed to reach the target, which was somewhat effortless for me. And I took up the challenge, not because I wanted anything materialistic. Because there was nothing that he wouldn't buy for me before this anyway. Therefore, what I truly wanted, was Him. Yep, I wanted him to spend 3 whole days with me as my Anniversary gift - 3rd, 4th (of course) and the 5th - no work, no appointments, no meetings, no business calls.

So yes, for 3 whole days, we celebrated What We Started 24 Years Ago. And I loved every single second of it. It was our 24th wedding anniversary. For me, it was like Heaven on Earth, honeymoon perfection! And certainly the best gift.

Cheers to the Love Of My Life, My Husband, My Partner, My Lover.

** I'm happy to say that I may be able to start posting pictures of myself once again. All's settled for now, thanks to some influential beings in my circle;) Alhamdulilla

Roast n Greens

If you're looking for a quick lunch fix, this is one of the easiest.

Roasted drumsticks, roast potatoes, baby beans and some bak choy - all done in less than 40 minutes. The best part, there's minimal washing of dishes too.

Actually nope. That ain't the best part. It tastes super delicious! Now, that is the best part.

I only used salt, pepper and oil to season the drumsticks and potatoes - the basic of most roasts. But it tastes heavenly, guys. Especially the juices that comes off them chicken legs, I can't describe. But my secret to always having any chicken dishes taste divine is, to make sure your chicken is super fresh.
And that is why I only buy chicken from this one seller who sells them fresh - as in just being slaughtered kindoff fresh.

And these potatoes were equally mouth watering - crunchy on the outside but soft on the inside. What I did when it came off the oven was, I brushed melted garlic butter with some chopped scallions on them. I normally use cilantro instead of the scallions, but since I had none, this was an ok alternative. That's it. Simple, yet yummy.

I'm sure we can all agree that roast potatoes and roast chicken make a perfect couple! Right?

Colmar Tropicale

When your best friend calls you and say:

Him: I'll be coming down tomorrow, where would you like to go?
Me: Kanching Rec?
Him: Cameron Highlands for tea instead?
Me: Cameron next change boleh tak? Howzabout Bukit Tinggi?
Him: Ok deal, BT

So that's how we ended up here again at Colmar Tropicale, Bukit Tinggi. It's just too refreshing, this place. And since it's been more than a year since I've been here and I was on fairytale mode, hence my request to spend time with my BFF at this place.

I totally love it here. And since I've posted many pictures of my trip here on this blog twice before, so there's no point in posting any more  - except these two, which is my favourite spot.

I guess you guys have heard this a 100 times, but hey, my BFF is THE very best. He is an ultra busy man, yet always comes over to Selangor from his state, which is right across the other side of the country, just to hang out with me.

Actually in all honesty, I've asked him many times 'why'. Why he would bother coming all those 300+ kilometres just to teman me every week - and very often, even twice a week. He's really awesome! It's amazing how solid our friendship has become - coming up to 9 years, and it's gotten solid as a rock!

You know what I love most about him? That he's always my ears, gives me guidance, my shoulder to cry on, his maturity, he teases me but never irritate me, his sense of humour (although while having a straight face), his caring attitude towards me, and mostly, he's the type who is unapproachable to regular humans - meaning, he's that type of man that people cannot and dare not fu*k around with! Pure blue blood!

Anyway, it was an absolutely beautiful afternoon, spent with an incredible dude!

Love xoxo

Hot & Spicy

It's hot, it's spicy and believe me, it was l.a.r.g.e.!

So my brother bought these fresh-water extra large shrimps from Sabah and as usual, texted me and asked me to cook it for him. He wanted a sambal version of it. Sambal is chilli paste, mixed with some other ingredients.

Me, always being the 'nice' sister, said ok. Trust me, I had no idea how big it was till I opened the box and saw these giants laying there. If I had known how big these were, I would've definitely said no. Because I've never cooked prawns these huge!

But well, I took it as a challenge, and did my best on the wok. Surprisingly, it came out really yummy. It was exactly how I wanted it to taste and walla, my brother said that it was the most awesome sambal he had ever eaten. His girlfriend, who truly loves chilli-hot food, also enjoyed it. So, thumbs up to myself.

Doesn't it look divine, guys?

My Sister and Brother seem to love my cooking, you know? I guess I should be flattered.

Cheers and bon appetit!