1st Class

Saturday, the 21st July 2018 has got to be one of my most proudest moments, as I watched with pride my little Kelly girl walk on stage to receive her Bachelor of Arts degree in Mass Communications, where she graduated with 1st Class Honours, and then went on to receive the Highest Academic Achievement Award and subsequently walked on stage the 3rd time to give her speech as Valedictorian for this auspicious Convocation ceremony.

If anything, she deserves this recognition, having worked tirelessly these past 5 and a half years, aiming for exactly what she achieved. She had set her goals, and there was no stopping her from seeing it materialise.

It would have undoubtedly been the most complete and memorable day of my life had my Father been able to join us at the Connexion@Nexus Bangsar that morning. Nevertheless, I'm so grateful and thankful that my Mom was able to witness her granddaughter being applauded thunderously as she walked up the stage three times that Saturday morning. Yup, Kelly definitely was "Woman" of the hour! And if could've walked around with a name tag that read "Kelly's Mom", I would have.

The official photos are yet to be collected from the photographers, so these are some of the few that we have.

Her friends, her lecturers, her ex teachers from school, her family and relatives are all so proud of her. The number of messages that kept pouring in were unbelievably overwhelming. There were even parents of graduates who walked up to her after her speech and praised her. It truly was a golden moment.

Kelly girl, this triumph is only the beginning of greater things to come. You are the strongest girl I know and you're definitely on the right track towards success! Follow your dreams, my child and we will always be there to continuously support you, Insya Allah. What is truly most inspiring, is that even people your own age were saying that you've inspired them to be the best at what they do.

Thank you so much for giving us that glorious day and unforgettable moment, my wonderful Child. Daddy, Daniel and I love you so very much! And we are so so proud of you, my darling.

Proud Mom.