Happy 2019 everyone!

My heart is bursting with so much love. My body is filled with gratitude. My thoughts are making me dizzy every time I stop to think. I'm in love. Yep. I'm so in love with this intention that I have.

Thank you all for your lovely Christmas and NY's greetings through messages, texts and emails.

So! We're in to a new set of 365 days. And with the arrival of a brand new year, comes new dreams, new hopes, new resolutions, new changes and so much more. Who's pressing the reset button out there?

This time around, I've done away with resolutions. Instead, I'm more into scripting my year, or even journaling if you may. To me, it's more realistic, fun and certainly a lot more zest to it compared to making promises or resolutions to yourself you can't keep. I scripted last year, on the 31st December 2017 for the year ahead and I was blown away by the results. My Kelly also did this and she benefitted the most.

Well, as I said sayonara to 2018 last night, I reflected upon it as a year full of ups and downs.

As I'm not particularly fond of dwelling on negative events, I'm totally grateful for the positive ones.
And there were many. The silver lining was always there and always will be. As long as the people who I really love are all well and good, my life is awesome!

New Year's Eve was a blast as usual. Hosted by my cousin this year at her lovely home, we partied hard till the wee hours of the morning. Had no idea what time I laid my head on the pillows, but I certainly woke up with the feeling of elephants resting on my skull.

I truly apologise I can't upload any pictures from last night's event as I'm having a troubleshooting issue between my Mac and Iphone. That explains why the main picture of this blog with me holding the flag is still there! After 4 long months.  Bear with me, meanwhile.

So that's it for now. Although I mentioned that there were no resolutions made, but just so you know, I've added 'blogging' into my 'scripting'. And pictures too. I know, it's been a while since I've uploaded pictures of this blogger.

Once again, a very Happy 2019 you sweet souls. May this year be filled with happiness, peace in the Universe, a reduction of poverty all over the world and to overall good health for everyone.


Leisure and Pleasure

When have been physically stressed out, emotionally stretched out, we can all agree that retail therapy is the best cure all!

And with the Christmas spirit in the air, it makes any kind of shopping even more delightful.

So in the last 8 days, we've taken a drive up twice to the Genting Premium Outlet situated in Genting Highlands of course. It was a rainy drive up, just the way I like it - that slow nagging sexy kind of raindrops that still allows you to walk through without getting soaked. Know what I mean?

The very 1st time I came here last year, this place immediately reminded me of those outlets in England. And the slightly chilly breeze, made it all the more feeling.

Yes, I did loads of Christmas shopping there and yes I had a fantastic time. Because when you have the best company with you, it's always memorable. And then spending the nights at Colmar's chateau-like resort, it seals the deal. Totally!

Life is good. I'm thankful!

3 + 1

Hey my loves, I'm back.

Seems that the 2nd half of November was somehow cut out to be a hospital hopping time. 3 from my family which are my Mom who was called back by IJN, Tun Razak to have her medications changed when they detected irregular heartbeats through the device she was wearing.

The 2nd one that warranted me to go be with was one of my uncles, who underwent an angioplasty at Assunta PJ for 2 of his major arteries that was clogged.

And tomorrow on Friday, another uncle will be undergoing a laser surgery for gallstones at the Gleneagles Ampang.

All minor things really, but it certainly kept me on the road and on my feet for sure.

So that's 3 people from my family and guess who's the 4th? Or rather the +1.

Well none other than my kanyung Hamed. He had to undergo a surgery to fix a dislocated shoulder that occurred during a car accident some weeks ago. I spent a lot of time at the Ramsay Sime Darby with him simply being there for him. He asked me "You sure you don't mind?". After all the things he does for me unconditionally for the past 7+ years, why would I even mind doing this tiny gesture for him. Of course I was happy that I was able to be with him during those few days which was before, throughout and after his surgery while he was admitted. Also, I was able to do this as both my kids are away busy at work, husband away for work, so technically, I was absolutely free.

During the hospital stay, we binged watched Brooklyn Nine Nine, talked forever and there were even times when I took his bed and he made do on the sofa. He had the suite, so it was extra lovely and spacious when his friends visited. And there were many who came!

Alhmadulillah, he's home now and resting. For the time being, I'm his 'grab' haha as he has been told not to drive for a few weeks. I'm just glad that we live so so close to each other as it easily enables me to cook for him daily and help him get around when he needs it.

You know what's the best part? He says he loves my cooking. And I believe him. Because when we speak at nights, he'll always tell me what he wants me to cook the next day.  Well, I guess this is the only chance I get to baby him. Because once he fully recovers, I'm going to be treated like that 15 year old once again - this guy literally asks me daily how many hours sleep did I get the night before, am I drinking enough water, did I take my vitamins and even reminds me every day not to layan strangers while I'm in my car. And I could go on and on and on. Well, I can't complain though right? He's takes awesome care of me.

So yup, that's it. I do my last round of hospital rounds tomorrow which is the last day of November at Gleneagles and then I look forward to a fruitful December!

I love you guys too much!


Although most of my weekends are fantastic, but the latest one was top rated.

How amazing it is to spend an entire weekend with those who are super interesting to you? I know, awesome, right.

It was a spur of the moment thingy where we decided to go rent a condo in the golden triangle and just do whatever the hell we wanted to. And believe me, we did a lot! That's what happens when us ladies get together.

There was the infinity pool which overlooked the KL skyline, an impressive sight indeed. Not forgetting there were loads of tourists residing there who never stopped telling us how awesome KL is - which was music to my ears of course. 

Certainly not the best picture of the pool, but that was as good as it gets, short of accidentally getting my phone into the water. The view outside our room was also to die for as you see below.

Cocktails at the Heli Lounge Bar, roaming the streets of Changkat KL, room parties, eating, swimming, planning our trip to Santorini and so much more, it was 48 hours of back to back pure madness!

And you know what? We plan to do this once a month or at least every 2 months at different locations, with Lanson Place and Traders Hotel on top priority!

 After all, girls just wanna have fun, right?

Happy Halloween

Beautiful windy day that transformed into a fantastic rainy night - the kind of slow and sexy rain that lingers on and on. And that, was my idea of a perfect Halloween!

Sitting by my waterfalls, sipping rose tea with the most interesting person in the universe, laughing, talking and soaking our feet while watching these pumpkins glow - all these happening under that sweet sexy rain, aah, I couldn't ask for a more perfect moment!

By the way, the pumpkins look blue because of the reflection of my blue sky lights. But it'll be fun to have an original blue pumpkin, tho.

So I hope all you sweet souls are having a great day too! I'm so in the mood today and feeling like a genuine Witch - which is certainly a good thang.

Love ya!

Back In The Game

Hey sweet souls, I'm finally back.

So while playing around with pumpkins and dried leaves, I received news that my cousin had gone into labour, which finally brought about this much awaited birth of these twins.. They arrived early, at 35 weeks but thank God, they did not need to be in an incubator and no ventilators were needed.

So when these pictures were sent to me, all I wanted to do was to literally fly over to Putrajaya and see tiny little miracles. As expected with twins, they are only about 2kg+ each.

Welcome to the world, and welcome to our amazing family, Liam and Tyler! So that's 2 more faces to be added into my 4 Generations Family Portrait.

Liam is older by only a few seconds and he's slightly smaller than Tyler. Although from this picture, they look so much alike, these little boys are fraternal twins. Not identical - meaning, 2 eggs, 2 sperm. Well speaking of twins, my Grandfather was a fraternal twin himself.

Oh, and they were born on a most remarkable date: 10/10.

I've so much to do right now, but first, I need a good 8 hour sleep or rest to recharge and then definitely heading over to see my new nephews!

Catch up soon!

Gratification & Fulfilment

42 days after our Daughter made us so proud when we attended her convocation, on the 1st of September it was our Son's turn when he went up stage to receive his Advanced Diploma in Culinary Science. With that, our job as parents in their education sector has come a full circle - in a journey that began in January 2000 when they started pre-school.

The official photographs are not out yet, so just bear with the quality of cellphone camera
And how was that journey like for me?

Well it was certainly a tiring, stressful, but a truly fulfilling and enjoyable one. Up to the time of them being 13 and 14 years, I used to squat down and tie their shoe laces before they hopped into the car to go to school. It wasn't something I had to do, but I loved doing it. From there, I normally drive them to the park to let them play on the swings and slides just so their day started beautifully before driving them off to school. It was only about 10-15 minutes at the park but it made a world of difference for them.

And here's an embarassing confession. After I send them off to school, it wasn't unusual for me to cry while driving myself home. Yup, this mad Mom actually did that so many times. Can't help it, my love for the kids is so beyond the moon. But when I fetch them from school and they start being rascals, I often asked myself "why did I even cry earlier?" haha.

My husband and I never pressured our children to be 'A' students in school. And they weren't 'A' students while in school. My priority wasn't for my children to learn and study throughout the nights to chase after As. Instead, that was the time I made use of to teach and guide them on how to be good and kind humans. What's the point of scoring As and coming up top in class if you don't have good morals?

There were people who chastised me for not being bothered with my children's school education. Yup, some actually did that to me.  But did I care? No. Because I knew what I was doing. I carried these 2 Angels for 9 whole months inside my belly and I definitely knew what's the best for them. I used to tell them that although school is the place where you go and learn the basic stuff like reading, writing, counting, countries and yada yada, when you get out of school and pick up the course you wish to pursue further, then you gotta give it your heart and soul. And that is exactly what they've done.

So today, I'd like all those nosey mamas and grandmamas who indirectly told me that I wasn't a responsible Mother, to read this post. Because today, those 2 naughty and mischievous kids have grown into 2 very responsible young adults who hath done extremely well in their further educations. On top of that, they are so kind hearted, caring, loving and respectful of those who are supposed to be respected, especially the old and under privilege one. These 2 kids also never had the need to lie to us parents because although we were strict with them in certain areas, they knew that we approachable and would never blindly scold or punish them for anything. Thus, they confide everything, until today. There is no point in being ultra strict and stuffy to your children till they don't feel safe telling or asking you about anything and have to resort to another parent to seek comfort. I know this, because I've had some of these poor kids come to me.

Son darling, you now have the green light to conquer and capture the gastronomy world. And I know you will. We are super proud of you, baby boy! Love you to the end of the Universe and back!

PS: I had a super duper Merdeka weekend which include the eve that I told you about, and on that day itself. Maybe I'll write about that next. 

Sayangi Malaysiaku

Salam Malaysians and the rest of the world. 

Today, is the 30th August, and I'm definitely gonna be wearing one of these Jalur Gemilang bracelets that I made myself for the Merdeka Eve celebrations tonight.

These specially made bracelets and earrings are what I designed for this year's Merdeka. The earrings you see above this, was a definite favourite among my clients and the best seller of all my other  Merdeka series items. (Well, I'm not a professional jewelry maker, so it's not 5-star workmanship). I mostly design and make jewelry for myself and friends who request)

This year's Independence Day is extra special, and for many reasons. The 1st and foremost cause for an 'all-out' celebration is because we have a fresh new government - after 61 years. The Merdeka vibes here are insane! Never have I seen so many homes, cars and even street vendors proudly displaying our beautiful Jalur Gemilang.

And since this year is extra special, I'm bringing along some special foreign friends of mine, who've requested to attend the Merdeka Eve celebs with me. Well, "ask and you shall receive" - so they asked and I'm obliging. I like that Bible verse. Actually I woke up to this idea only on Monday morning. I just felt so in the mood to celebrate this particular Merdeka with non Malaysians  and tadaa, just like magic, I received requests from foreign friends. First come, first serve, you know?  And as early as Tuesday I received the 1st request. Anyway the place/venue that we're going to tonight, is extra ummph! Especially when the clock strikes 12am. Of course my right hand man Hamed will be with me too. I can't hardly wait, people!!

So, for those of you have access to my private/personal instagram account (which are a selected few), I'll be posting live updates of this auspicious event. For those who follow me on my other insta account, good news - I may be posting there too.

I love you guys so much, thanks for always being walls, pillars and tiangs although I've never met 90% of you. But Amen to modern technology, because it has brought about some great friendships for some, right?

Before I sign off, the these for this year's Merdeka Day is Sayangi Malaysiaku which more or less means 'Love My Malaysia' and the logo is what you see below - in Jalur Gemilang's colours of course, are Red, White, Blue and a touch of Yellow.

So,kibarkanlah Jalur Gemilang dan selamat menyambut Hari Kebangsaan kepada semua Anak Malaysia.

Uncalled For

When a friend who is a foreigner living here, pokes fun at your culture saying it's a 'turn off', you be like "why the heck bother being friends with me then?" Correct?

Then that same person states that Najib is fine and Mahathir is an a$$hole. My Prime Minister. A true Statesman and patriot whose name is renowned as being one of the greatest leaders in the world. If not, the best. And the person who said this, is only 1/3 of his age. One third! Not even half of that 93 years!

And that's when I realised that I had to forgive and forget his earlier statement, about being turned off by what I am. Because most of us Malaysians know how the mentality of Najib's fans work.

And it's due to 2 reason:
1. That they probably have the same intellectual capacity as Tajuddin Abd Rahman..or
2. Mixing with the type of Malaysians that are shunned by majority of other Malaysians (and the rest of the world)

And let me tell you folks, the majority of Malaysians are smart, sensible and have a great spirit of nationalism where we are so very proud of our multi cultural, multi lingual, multi faiths concept. We are one and we all call ourselves Anak Malaysia. That, is in HUGE contrast to the smaller minority of Najib's (and Tajuddin's) crusaders and followers who are nothing but a bunch of racist, primitives and unprogressive mortals who thrive on igniting racial sentiments.

Speak of racist, although this above person took a jab at my culture by saying it's a turn off, I didn't retaliate by telling him how most Malaysians (except the Tajuddin-species) are repulsed by people of his race especially because of their personal hygiene and unkempt lifestyles whether in their streets or in their homes. For what it's worth, I don't only hear Malaysians complaining about this because when I travel out of the country, I hear this exact same thing from non Malaysians too. However, my best friend who is from that country is nothing like what people say. He's a clean freak haha. By the way, this paragraph was written with the consent and blessings of Hamed.

Finally, if you want to befriend Malays, try mixing with the Azmin Ali types. Not the Tajuddin's kindoff species. A king-sized world of difference between these 2.

Enough said. And I'm not even the slightest bit offended by that callous remark about my bloodline. Because I'm proud of what I am and I love myself too much. And so should everyone. Just wanted to share this with you guys.

1st Class

Saturday, the 21st July 2018 has got to be one of my most proudest moments, as I watched with pride my little Kelly girl walk on stage to receive her Bachelor of Arts degree in Mass Communications, where she graduated with 1st Class Honours, and then went on to receive the Highest Academic Achievement Award and subsequently walked on stage the 3rd time to give her speech as Valedictorian for this auspicious Convocation ceremony.

If anything, she deserves this recognition, having worked tirelessly these past 5 and a half years, aiming for exactly what she achieved. She had set her goals, and there was no stopping her from seeing it materialise.

It would have undoubtedly been the most complete and memorable day of my life had my Father been able to join us at the Connexion@Nexus Bangsar that morning. Nevertheless, I'm so grateful and thankful that my Mom was able to witness her granddaughter being applauded thunderously as she walked up the stage three times that Saturday morning. Yup, Kelly definitely was "Woman" of the hour! And if could've walked around with a name tag that read "Kelly's Mom", I would have.

The official photos are yet to be collected from the photographers, so these are some of the few that we have.

Her friends, her lecturers, her ex teachers from school, her family and relatives are all so proud of her. The number of messages that kept pouring in were unbelievably overwhelming. There were even parents of graduates who walked up to her after her speech and praised her. It truly was a golden moment.

Kelly girl, this triumph is only the beginning of greater things to come. You are the strongest girl I know and you're definitely on the right track towards success! Follow your dreams, my child and we will always be there to continuously support you, Insya Allah. What is truly most inspiring, is that even people your own age were saying that you've inspired them to be the best at what they do.

Thank you so much for giving us that glorious day and unforgettable moment, my wonderful Child. Daddy, Daniel and I love you so very much! And we are so so proud of you, my darling.

Proud Mom.



With regards to my previous post survey/quiz, THANK YOU guys for all your answers. I'm happy to let you others know that all those who replied, had agreed with my answer. Why? Because it's pretty obvious. Haih, imagine if the 1Mdb issue was as simple as this, Malaysians would be able to  rejoice by now.

Anyway, let's talk about my hair. As you can see in the picture, I've automatically gotten the green light to snip off my very long locks.

A few months ago, I cut about 8 inches off myself. And this time around, I had the pleasure of telling my hairstylist to trim off way more than 8 inches. I feel like a whole burden of weight has been lifted from my head - literally and figuratively speaking! It feels so much lighter and yes, so much better.

I've tried to prevent having a haircut for as long as I could, but there's no longer any reason for me to do keep it at that ridiculous length anymore.

Well, whether it's long, medium or short, I absolutely adore my hair. And it's definitely a lot more easier to manage from now.


Quick Quiz

Come everyone, let's do a quick quiz. Take a look at the picture below and tell me what you think this is. It's something like the captcha thingy you know, where they put weird looking numbers and alphabets then ask you to figure out what is.

So here's my take on what I think this is: sexual fluids on a duvet with a tinge of stale blood. I feel disgusted saying that haha. And symbolically speaking, it would go something like "I was eating apple and it was juicy, so few drops came down". Get the drift?

Apologies to my juniors or under-aged readers if I appear to be blunt or unrefined, but it's just a game and I thought of sharing my answer with readers. And in return, I'd like to see what's their opinion on what this picture is.

And for the rest of you, if the contents of this article bothers you, I have to remind you that this is my blog and I'm entitled to write whatever I want.

Anyway, for those of you who've been here long enough, you already know what my email is. So simply email me your answer. I can't hardly wait to see if it tallies with mine. And as for my friends who know me, feel free to just text if you like.

It's fun playing these kind of quizzes now and then. Certainly more fun than boring captchas. Right?

I don't even know what was the purpose of me receiving a picture like this, but it's great that the person who sent me this doesn't mind about their privacy being kept private. They had mentioned it to me before that they are not bothered about privacy. And that's why I'm able to share this image with you and do this quiz.

I was having drinks with my bff Ariff while waiting to watch the WC finals when that image came through. He leaned over while I was looking at it and asked me what was that, then proceeded to say the exact same thing that I was having in my head at that time. Well, great minds think alike. Told you we're telepathic.

Anyway, France went on to win and Ariff was rooting for France, I was neutral as both teams were not important to me. I just told him I want it to be a match with lots of goals and surprisingly, the score was 4-2, which is quite a number of  goals scored.

And that's not all - Ariff said, each time the ball goes in, I'll be getting a prezzie from him. So in total, 6. SIX. How cool is that!

93 And Counting

Happy birthday to my hero and Malaysia's true legend. You are the only man I have ever acknowledged as my Prime Minister.

May Allah continue to shower you with perfect health - physically and mentally for many many more years to come and throughout your life. Thank you so much for all that you've done and for all that you continue to do for Malaysians.

We love you, we need you and we depend on you, Ayahanda Tun! You are a father and grandfather to all Malaysians and we are so proud to have the most intelligent and best leader in the whole world.

Hidup Tun!

Happy Announcement

Happy Friday my darlings and dearests.

I'm feeling overjoyed, happiness is spilling and I'd love to share my news with you guys.

A couple of days ago, my Kelly girl received news that come this July, which is in a couple of weeks time, she will be graduating with 1st Class Honours. She totally deserve this as she had put her heart and soul into this for the past 2 and a half years. And if you count her diploma years, then it would be 5+ years.

Well that's not all. She has also been selected as Valedictorian for this upcoming Convocation ceremony 2018. How fabulous is that? My Husband, my Son and I are so thankful and proud at this latest update from her side. She is a little genius, my daughter. So tiny in size, but a big brain is inbuilt in that head of hers.

And only yesterday, she was invited to give a speech/talk to freshmen students at their town hall meeting followed by a question and answer session. My little girl giving a talk to a group of students and answering any questions by them, haha. That is too cute, seriously.

Here's thanking everyone especially my Mom, my Aunts, Uncles and Siblings for their prayers. And a special kind of thanks goes out to my best friends for their neverending support all throughout - from diploma to degree. Everyone is so incredibly supportive and happy for her achievements.

Speaking of college and stuff, I'm sorry to have gone into M.I.A for a couple of weeks as I've been out with Hamed checking out schools and colleges for his kids. Yay! I love them kids so much and seriously anticipate them coming to Malaysia to study here. You've got to listen to them speaking Malay. Once they started getting comfortable with me many years back, they were very enthusiastic about studying our language. So yea, they know quite a number of words now and can form very simple sentences. Smart kids, and I'm so proud of them.

So there you go. I hope that you've had a good Ramadan and Raya. I had a lovely Ramadan. It was ultra peaceful all throughout and I feel that it went by so fast. Too fast. Many people were saying the same thing - about it being a beautifully peaceful Ramadan. And we all came to the same conclusion: New Governance! Berkat, you know?

So I'll leave you guys now to go enjoy your weekend. Love you people and thanks a mil for your everlasting patience when I go missing from blogging.


Malaysia Glows

There you go. Y.A.B Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad being sworn in as Malaysia's 7th Prime Minister by His Majesty, D.Y.M.M. Seri Paduka Baginda Yang DiPertuan Agong Malaysia.

The supporting crowd outside the Palace was unbelievable. They stood there for hours, cheering on PH, chanting "Hidup Tun", sang patriotic songs and it was simply so Malaysian! Our beautiful people of different races, ethnicities, cultures and beliefs were in a euphoric state.

Although I was far away from the world and Earth, but I guess that is how those Malaysians must've felt when Malaysia obtained independence from the British in 1957 on the 31st August.

Indeed a proud and emotional moment for Malaysians as the most astounding man is sworn in as our Leader. To us, he is the Leader who is here to repair, revive and roar Malaysia back to being the Asian Tiger it once was.

It was an intense election. And it could have gone either way. I'm just so thankful that there was no bloodshed or an aftermath, as we had thought. And I am so thankful, that the Best Man Won!

Prime Minister of Malaysia

Meet Tun Dato' Seri Dr Mahathir Mohammad - the 7th Prime Minister of Malaysia.

This is the great Man who led Malaysia to it's glorious days back then as the 4th Prime Minister, and is now back as the 7th PM to rescue this lovely country from a regimen that tore us to an almost depressing level of darkness.

Today, history is created in Malaysian politics as this is the 1st time the ruling party has been overshadowed and overpowered. And overthrown? Yes, Tun's Party Pakatan Harapan won the 14th General Elections. And this living legend will also go down in history as the oldest leader in the world at the age of 93.

As Malaysians called it during the month long election campaigns, the Tsunami Rakyat. A lovely sweep across Malaysia. Look at the number of States that PH managed to win over BN in my previous posts. Incredible, to say the least.

I am so happy, I can't even speak. This is surreal. Yes, as I mentioned in one of my previous post, Malaysians WILL wake up on Thursday morning, the 10th of May to a new and fresh government.
For those of you who never had the chance of being a Malaysian while Tun ruled, well here's your chance now.

Tun will be sworn in as the 7th Prime Minister of Malaysia by His Royal Highness, The Yang DiPertuan Agong on the morning of 10th May 2018.

Tun will be Prime Minister till Dato Seri Anwar takes over.

Alhamdulillah, there shall be no more corruption, no more filthy politics, no more kleptocracy, no more GST and so so much more!

We're back on track. And it's all thanks to this Great Man whom I love and respect with every fiber of my being!

Alhamdulillah and a huge thanks to all PH leaders and supporters for this historical moment.


Rise and shine, Rakyat! It's finally here.

This is the day we decide how the next 5 years is going to be for all of us Malaysians.

It's my daughter's 1st time at the polling station and she's incredibly excited to be able to do so. That mark on her finger, is the symbol of democracy in Malaysia. Yes, it's flooding all over social media - Malaysians showing off their coloured finger as soon as they got off the polling booths.

There are 2 types of blues standing against each other. Dark blue and light blue. Make the right choice and pick the right one!

Today, also marks the 1st election for my best friend Hamed as a resident of Malaysia. I'm so so happy to be able to share this experience with him. We've been to so many campaigns together and he really got so absorbed in the whole election spirit. Although he's not allowed to vote... yet, we share the same interest for the same Party that we want to win.

And tonight as we await the final outcome of the results, which will be announced in stages leading up to the climax of the final outcome where we'll know which Party wins, he will be our companion here at home and we'll be binge watching movies throughout the night while checking on the updates.

It'll be fun. And if Tun Mahathir is declared as our new Prime Minister on the 10th May 2018, we are going to celebrate that victory on the Sahara desert, haha.

So, check in back later!

Bapa-Bapa Malaysia

Here's the list in chronological order, the Men who served Malaysia as Prime Ministers since 1957.

And with the GE14 just around the corner with less than a week to go, the question on everyone's head is: "Could this be the end of Barisan Nasional".
While the majority of Malaysians are also saying "This should be the end of Barisan Nasional".

Just for the record to those who don't know, the Barisan Nasional (BN) Party has ruled Malaysia since our independence in 1957. That's 60 years.

BN comprises of 3 main component parties - UMNO United Malays National Organisation,
MCA Malaysian Chinese Association and MIC Malaysian Indian Congress.

I grew up only knowing Barisan Nasional and Tun M as our Prime Minister - since I was in school. Those were the good days, with a patriotic bland of Malays, Chinese and Indians who ran the government - the 3 main races of Malaysia. Good times. Peace. Our country just kept on flourishing (especially under the leadership of Tun Mahathir) and went on to be one of the fastest developing country in Asia!

I had always been a staunch supporter of BN. Initially, because it was the best party around. Which it truly was! Even during the GE13, I cheered on for BN's victory. At that point, it was probably because big questions come to mind - especially whether the opposition party was capable of leading Malaysia harmoniously if they won. It was more of an 'autoplay' thing. To support BN.

That was 5 years ago. And too much has happened in a span of those 5 years which has prompted me to question myself over and over again. It's kindoff sial, you know what I'm saying? Yes, the last 5 years, too many unpleasant events had happened in this awesome, beautiful country. I'll leave ya guys to know what I'm getting at.

Malaysia is one of the most unique and blessed countries in the world. And I'm not saying that just because I'm a Malaysian. Many MANY foreigners will attest to that too. But now, we are on the world map very often - but for all the wrong reasons. And it's painful to see!

Therefore, enough is enough. I never thought I'd say this, but Malaysia needs a new government. One to lead us back on track and right all the wrongs that had been going on for many years now.

And this is the Man I'd like to see back at Sri Perdana, Putrajaya once again. He's 93 years old and he's the most brilliant man I know, who reminds me so much of my own Father.

Yes, Malaysia and Malaysians need Tun Dr Mahathir to salvage this country from any further damages. And never let his age fool you. He's just as smart as he used to be. I have so much respect for him. And very soon I certainly hope to be able to say that Tun Dr Mahathir is our Prime Minister! InsyaAllah.

And if it's fated that the R.A.H.M.A.N (Tunku Abdul Rahman, Abdul Razak, Hussin Onn, Mahathir Mohammad, Abdullah Badawi, Najib Razak) era comes to and end this GE14, then may a M.A.H.A.T.H.I.R era begin - and it starts with Tun Dr Mahathir! InsyaAllah, Amin.

Never Saw It Coming!

A couple of days ago, my beloved Mom suffered a stroke.

What started off as a normal morning at home, ended up as a stressful day at the KL Heart Centre and then later, at the ER in another hospital.

She was grocery shopping with a neighbour's maid in the early afternoon on that day. All was fine till she took out her wallet at the cashier to pay for the purchases. All of the sudden, her arm started to go limp  and she slurred when attempted to speak. She was having a Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA).

When I got a call from my brother telling me what happened and that my Mom was at the HC, I totally froze. That's what I do when I'm in shock as I try to absorb what I've been told.

In less than 10 minutes flat, I was on my way to the Heart Centre. From where I live, it took me close to 40 minutes to get over to the HC, which is right at the other end of the city in Ampang. In the midst of the traffic jam, I was so tempted to get off the car and just run to where my Mom was. That's how frustrating jams can be when you're in an emergency rush.

When I saw my Mom, it took every ounce of strength from me to keep my tears from flowing out. The last thing I wanted to do was to worry my Mom. At that point, I was just so thankful that she was there, she was able to talk, she was alive!

When we tried to make her stand to go to the restroom, she tried hard but one of her legs simply wasn't corresponding well. I was worried to death when I saw that. Alhamdulilla within a few hours, she got back the sensation on her legs and was able to stand properly. (She was literally tilted and leaning on one side earlier)

A brain scan later confirmed that it was a minor stroke. It also revealed that this was actually a continuation of a previous stroke or TIA that had occurred.

Thankfully, the specialist informed us that it was not a paralysis stroke - meaning, that it doesn't make a person paralysed. That piece of news was like a huge chunk of stress lifted off my chest. And also, there was no bleeding in the brain. Just a small clot.

I love my Mom more than life itself and it pained me to no ends at the thought that she was going through this. Losing my Father is still fresh in my head and I couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to my Mom too. Because no matter how old I get, I will always need my Mother in my life.

Alhamdulilla she is progressing well. She's still admitted to the hospital as she's being closely monitored by the Neurologist. Her blood pressure and sugar level was unbelievably high when she first arrived at the emergency room. Mom is like a walking time bomb and that has always been a worry for me, when it came to her heart condition. But I never expected her to experience a stroke too. Simply said, we never saw it coming. Not a stroke.

So here I am, at the hospital ward typing this out while my Mom takes a nap. I can't wait for her to be discharged from the hospital, just so I can bring her home and take good care of her.

If there's a favour I'd like to ask of you, is to please keep her in your prayer for a speedy and complete recovery. It would mean the world to me. And to those of you who've been there with us these last few days, thank you so very much.

Thoughts n love xoxo

14th February 2018

Yesterday, the 14th February 2018, was a super fine day!

Hugs, love n kisses xoxo

What We Started 24 Years Ago

He told me that if I gained 3 kilograms before the 4th of February 2018, he'll take me out and buy me anything I want.

First of all, let me say - I'm far from being what you'd consider as 'slim', yet he wanted me to gain some. Happily,  I managed to reach the target, which was somewhat effortless for me. And I took up the challenge, not because I wanted anything materialistic. Because there was nothing that he wouldn't buy for me before this anyway. Therefore, what I truly wanted, was Him. Yep, I wanted him to spend 3 whole days with me as my Anniversary gift - 3rd, 4th (of course) and the 5th - no work, no appointments, no meetings, no business calls.

So yes, for 3 whole days, we celebrated What We Started 24 Years Ago. And I loved every single second of it. It was our 24th wedding anniversary. For me, it was like Heaven on Earth, honeymoon perfection! And certainly the best gift.

Cheers to the Love Of My Life, My Husband, My Partner, My Lover.

** I'm happy to say that I may be able to start posting pictures of myself once again. All's settled for now, thanks to some influential beings in my circle;) Alhamdulilla

Roast n Greens

If you're looking for a quick lunch fix, this is one of the easiest.

Roasted drumsticks, roast potatoes, baby beans and some bak choy - all done in less than 40 minutes. The best part, there's minimal washing of dishes too.

Actually nope. That ain't the best part. It tastes super delicious! Now, that is the best part.

I only used salt, pepper and oil to season the drumsticks and potatoes - the basic of most roasts. But it tastes heavenly, guys. Especially the juices that comes off them chicken legs, I can't describe. But my secret to always having any chicken dishes taste divine is, to make sure your chicken is super fresh.
And that is why I only buy chicken from this one seller who sells them fresh - as in just being slaughtered kindoff fresh.

And these potatoes were equally mouth watering - crunchy on the outside but soft on the inside. What I did when it came off the oven was, I brushed melted garlic butter with some chopped scallions on them. I normally use cilantro instead of the scallions, but since I had none, this was an ok alternative. That's it. Simple, yet yummy.

I'm sure we can all agree that roast potatoes and roast chicken make a perfect couple! Right?

Colmar Tropicale

When your best friend calls you and say:

Him: I'll be coming down tomorrow, where would you like to go?
Me: Kanching Rec?
Him: Cameron Highlands for tea instead?
Me: Cameron next change boleh tak? Howzabout Bukit Tinggi?
Him: Ok deal, BT

So that's how we ended up here again at Colmar Tropicale, Bukit Tinggi. It's just too refreshing, this place. And since it's been more than a year since I've been here and I was on fairytale mode, hence my request to spend time with my BFF at this place.

I totally love it here. And since I've posted many pictures of my trip here on this blog twice before, so there's no point in posting any more  - except these two, which is my favourite spot.

I guess you guys have heard this a 100 times, but hey, my BFF is THE very best. He is an ultra busy man, yet always comes over to Selangor from his state, which is right across the other side of the country, just to hang out with me.

Actually in all honesty, I've asked him many times 'why'. Why he would bother coming all those 300+ kilometres just to teman me every week - and very often, even twice a week. He's really awesome! It's amazing how solid our friendship has become - coming up to 9 years, and it's gotten solid as a rock!

You know what I love most about him? That he's always my ears, gives me guidance, my shoulder to cry on, his maturity, he teases me but never irritate me, his sense of humour (although while having a straight face), his caring attitude towards me, and mostly, he's the type who is unapproachable to regular humans - meaning, he's that type of man that people cannot and dare not fu*k around with! Pure blue blood!

Anyway, it was an absolutely beautiful afternoon, spent with an incredible dude!

Love xoxo

Hot & Spicy

It's hot, it's spicy and believe me, it was l.a.r.g.e.!

So my brother bought these fresh-water extra large shrimps from Sabah and as usual, texted me and asked me to cook it for him. He wanted a sambal version of it. Sambal is chilli paste, mixed with some other ingredients.

Me, always being the 'nice' sister, said ok. Trust me, I had no idea how big it was till I opened the box and saw these giants laying there. If I had known how big these were, I would've definitely said no. Because I've never cooked prawns these huge!

But well, I took it as a challenge, and did my best on the wok. Surprisingly, it came out really yummy. It was exactly how I wanted it to taste and walla, my brother said that it was the most awesome sambal he had ever eaten. His girlfriend, who truly loves chilli-hot food, also enjoyed it. So, thumbs up to myself.

Doesn't it look divine, guys?

My Sister and Brother seem to love my cooking, you know? I guess I should be flattered.

Cheers and bon appetit!

Cheers 2018

**Do checkout my newly updated 2018 messages on the right 
side of this blog. If you're using a cellphone, I doubt 
if you can see it. Try looking at it from a laptop or 
desktop. Messages are updated on that platform
from time to time. Cheers!
~ ~ ~

Happy New Year my dearests! The year is so brand new, still fresh and extremely promising.
I had a wonderful start to 2018.

First and foremost, I did New Year's eve away from my relatives - a tradition that has been on for the past 20-something years. Let me say it again, I did not spend New Year's eve with the rest of my relatives like how I've been doing for more than 20 years. And you know what? It was awesome and one of the best New Year celebrations I've ever had. So much so, I'm thinking about carrying on with this new thing from now. 

And then on the 1st January 2018, I had my very own family - Mom, my Sister and her family, my Brother and his girlfriend join my Husband, kids, Daniel's girlfriend and myself for dins at my home. And that too, was so much fun. Too much fun. This is how it is when my Sis, Bro and I get together - we crack jokes nonstop and get the rest of the family into fits of laughter. Yes, my home on the 1st January was overloaded with so much happiness. 

In spite of being totally knackered out because of the night before, I still managed to cook laksa and nasi lemak with all it's condiments for my Sister for dinner that day. Whenever she's in Malaysia, she's got all those cravings for Malaysian food and I try my best to satisfy all her cravings. And it was worth it because she enjoyed the spread that was laid out. Not only her, everyone did.

And after that, we had an impromptu family photo session as our last family photo was taken in 2010. Long overdue, I say.

So here, I would like to wish all you amazing readers a 2018 that is super awesome, bringing you great health, loads of wealth, abundance and unlimited happiness. 

Keep the vibes sky high, keep smiling and stay positive!